Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Expressions of me Liking Him....

Have you ever felt the feeling of liking someone and wanting to express yourself openly and show how you really feel, but somehow manage to hold back from what you are truly feeling? I know I have felt this way, and I find myself holding back because I am afraid of truly showing how I feel and him not feeling the absolute same way that I do. I am normally very capable of reading people and with him he disguises his emotions with a great poker face. So therefore I cannot read into or tap shall I say into his heart. It bothers me that I have to second guess my actions when I am around him. Shouldn’t the process of getting to know one another be easy? I really wish it was…


  1. aah... this is what happens in love.... :-)

  2. Don't be afraid to let hime know your feelings, that is the only way to know if it was meant to be or not.
    God Bless

  3. Really inspirational. Many blessings and thank you for sharing your talents and expressing the love in your heart! Take care.

    Jo Goldsmith

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  5. wow, this is actualy how i feel about women, or a girl i like too.

  6. I know silence isn't the key to any relationship & im sure he knows that..and if he loves you as much as you love him 2nd guessing yourself wouldn't be an option..thank you for the inspiration I take from your poetry. helped me view it from the eyes of another

  7. I know silence isn't the key to any relationship & im sure he knows that..and if he loves you as much as you love him 2nd guessing yourself wouldn't be an option..thank you for the inspiration I take from your poetry. helped me view it from the eyes of another
